About iMedical Options and Our Mission

Our Mission is to provide an efficient Ecommerce CRM for Online Dental and Medical labs worldwide to run their day to day operations.

We formed a team of Lab Owners, Website developers, Ecommerce Developers, and API developers, Google Analytics developers to create a turn-key CRM platform.
The platform is streamlined and capable of handling hundreds of orders per day while also being structured for smaller order volumes as well.

For over 6 years we have worked to build systems, processes, and procedures to run the day-to-day requirements of the platform. The systems include the mapping (API) from the Contact Us form on the WordPress website into the CRM for Cases and Leads. The Woo commerce cart and checkout is also mapped to the CRM where the Orders, and Contact information is automatically posted. The processes are managed in the CRM with both automated emails and custom email templates. Automated emails are sent to the customers throughout the order process for updating where they are in the order fulfillment process. There are over 100 custom email templates that have been built to cover any questions that the customer might ask about the processes of online lab services. The procedures are set up in the CRM as the 9 steps that are required to fill an order. There are check boxes that can be checked off as the order goes through the steps so you can easily track where the order fulfillment stands.

We offer 5 CRM Options to meet your business needs and your budget.

Please contact us by clicking on the Contact Us tab below and filling out the Contact Us Form so we can either get you started or enhance your current platform.